Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Branchial Fistula

Since Colton was born, he has had two little dimples on his neck. I made sure to point them out to the pediatrician and she checked them over and told me they were nothing to worry about. The next check up, I told her that they were leaking fluid and she got a more concerned look on her face. She referred me to a surgeon (skipped the specialist all together) of whom I went to see today. He took a look at the dimples and told me what they were and where they came from. The dimples are called Branchial Fistula and the fluid they leak (mind you the fluid is VERY minimal) is saliva. Apparently, this happens during gestation, around the fourth week. The best way to explain what it is, is to think of a skinny straw. That straw goes from the outside of the neck, through the skin to the inside. Unfortunately, the only way to fix this is through surgery. It about broke my heart when the doctor told me my little one was going under the knife. Surgery has been scheduled for January 13th and to make things worse, they only fix one at a time so my little guy will be having surgery twice! I can't even believe this is happening. I know the surgery will go fine, but it makes me SO sad that someone so little has to take on SO much. The surgery will take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and scarring is generally very minimal. The incision will be a half inch to an inch long depending on the severity of the fistula. The only other concern is the chance of a cyst. Many times fistulas are accompanied by cysts so they will be doing an ultra sound to see if there is one. If there is, that may result in a larger scar but it is much better to take care of it now rather than later. If we don't do anything, there is a chance of infection and in the case that there is a cyst, it will only get larger over time. It is much better to take action now.

There is a picture below to help illustrate what a fistula is. I found this on the Internet so I am sure this is a dramatic picture. I can't imagine my little one has a fistula this big but, it gives you an idea. Keep little Colton is your prayers!

This isn't Colton, but this is what his dimples look like. I couldn't get him to hold still long enough to take a good picture!

Here is a link to the best scientific explanation I could find.


WhitParks said...

We are SO SORRY. For sure we are thinking of sweet Colton and a smooth surgery and quick recovery. Love you all.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear this! :( I know how it feels to hear news like this! He will be in our prayers and thoughts! Thank goodness for the priesthood and amazing doctors! We pray everything will be fine!

Candace said...

I can't imagine hearing this kind of news for such a tiny little person...a tiny person that completely depends on you and loves you. I'm so sorry this is going on...I know Heavenly Father will take care of you guys! Especially Colton!! Love ya!

Elk Dresses said...

If you need any help or any kind, let us know--I'm sure everything will be ok!

Lyndsey said...

I can't believe this!! Totally nuts. Well Colton is tough and I know he will get through it just fine. We love you all and keep us posted on any thing new as the surgery approaches but until then have a happy Thanksgiving.

Alicia Alee said...

That is crazy; I have never even heard of that! Poor little guy. What percentage of people even get that? I'm sure everything will go well, but I will definitely keep your family in my prayers!