Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Drive to Phoenix

We made it! It was a tough 26 hours in the car but we finaly made it into 110+ heat. The cats did wonderful (as you can see from the picutres below), they slept a solid 24 of the 26 hours. We did the drive over 2 and a half days and arrived traffic ticket free. We are excited to be in Phoenix!!!

Some random gal in Oklahoma. When I think of Oklahoma I totaly picture a girl in this type of outfit. Totaly fitting for the one stop we made in Oklahoma. I would say it's an added bonus that she caught me taking the picture and waved!

Welcome to New Mexico, I missed the sign into Arizona...oops.

MJ sleeping with his brush....loves that brush.

Are there words for this picture????

Little Pistol taking a snooze.

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