Thursday, October 30, 2008

Char turns 24 today!

Dear Mommy,

Happy Birthday!

Love Always,

It's hard to see, but there is curdled spit up all over my chest. The best gift he could have given me!


Mackenzie said...

Happy B-day! You're gettin' old!

Elk Dresses said...

I remember those days when I was just a 24 year old...(I'm saying this while rocking on my old people chair.) Happy Birthday!

sariqd said...

Happy Birthday Char! Hope it was a fun-filled day! Albeit... with spit-up. lol!

To Love said...

Hey, Happy Birthday! Pretty much we didn't call you, but we totally will today with a special song.....

About the spit-up, just think of it as lucky that you get to take two showers today -- a special birthday treat.

Candace said...

Haha, gotta love it! Hope you had an awesome birthday!! (Can't believe we're turning 24!)

Kari West said...

Nice!! Happy Birthday Girl!! Hope you had a WONDERFUL day!!!