Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Trip to the Zoo

Parker's older sister, Leslie, lives in Austin Texas and my sister lives in Dallas. We really wanted to meet up but the distance was making things difficult. Leslie had the marvelous idea of meeting in Waco for the day which is right in the middle of the two cities. My sister, Whitni, so kindly drove me down so that could have the chance to see Leslie and her kids. We all enjoyed a day at the zoo together and it was great getting to catch up with Leslie. Her kids are so well behaved and well mannered, they were such a joy to be around!

This Jaguar was right up against the glass. It was really cool to see up close!

All the kids!

Leslie and I at the end of the zoo trip.

Colton's new best friends!


sariqd said...

Aw! Looks like you guys had fun!

Alicia Alee said...

It looks like that jaguar is right behind you! Took me back for a sec! Looks like you guys had fun. Love the cow pics too. Reminds me of WY! :)