Saturday, September 25, 2010

Because Everyone Deserves a Little Lunch...


Lyndsey said...

Colton is awesome. BTW that pic of you on the top is great of you. Also I just want to note that Paxton is looking more like you. Same face shape and eyes I think.

Shelly Babcock said...

I AM LAUGHING MY FACE OFF! This is the cutest thing ever. I am also so jealous that I didn't get to clean his teeth. I agree with Lynds you look hot in you header.

Clev Clan said...

After all the trama of toddlerhood, our sweet little ones bring such joy in the simplest ways!!! Colton you rock and of course the bear would need lunch!! Love you hot sister!!

WhitParks said...

I remeber that bear from Colt's first birthday shoot! Glad to see he is being treated like a real member of the family!